
Bold text indicates recordings


This webpage was created in response to the Covid-19 crisis of 2020, to provide an outlet for the area musicians who participate regularly, or in some cases sporadically, in our casual monthly song circles. Please feel free to sample the music presented here to help while away your time in isolation. I hope we can all return to social events soon. When we can, please consider joining us, either with an intrument or as a supporter of local amateur musicians.

The following is a list of many of our regular participants, in no particular order. As with most open mics and song circles, participants come and go. If you've taken part and I've left you off the list, I apologize. We've been fortunate to share the company and talents of many excellent musicians.

Larry Tully

Larry joins us when he's able. His beautiful voice, good humor and self-deprecating manner make him a very welcome participant. Here are a few songs from a CD he put together in 2018 (the songs will open in a new tab).

Jeff Penn

Jeff has been part of our group almost from the beginning in 2003, but it's been a while since he's joined us. Here are two of his original songs, written in response to the Covid-19 crisis.

Steve Hamlin

One of the two founding musicians. The other, Mike Ferry passed away suddenly several years ago. Steve plays fingerstyle and bottleneck guitar.

Dave Housman

Dave was the person who breathed new life into the group around 2010, when the monthly sessions were in danger of ending due to poor attendance. Dave introduced a new group of musicians to our event, most of whom continue to participate. Dave plays fingerstyle and flat-picked guitar, mandolin and harmonica.

Ed Bentley

Ed was one of the first of the new group introduced to our event by Dave. A talented singer-songwriter, Ed plays many excellent originals in fingerstyle and flat-picked guitar. He occasionally brings a bass too.

Here's selection of Ed's music recorded as part of the Advocate Sessions:

Mark O'Meara

Mark plays a beautiful slide guitar and also fingerpicks. Most comfortable accompanying others, he refuses to sing. When coaxed, he takes the lead on a usually complicated and always well-played instrumental, or occasionally a song that he enlists one of the others in the group to sing on.

Kathy Barlow

Kathy is a newcomer to the group, having joined first in one of our North Hall sessions a couple of years ago. Her beautiful voice and excellent 12-string guitar add some welcome diversity to the group.

Bruce King

A regular for years, Bruce hasn't been able to join us for a year or so since he lost his ride. Due to vision problems, Bruce doesn't drive at night. His witty songs and excellent musicianship are missed.

Bob Kelley

Bob has also been a regular for most of the last 10 years or so. His good humor and determination are an inspiration.

Tom Krok

Our friend Tom passed away late last year after a long battle with cancer - a battle he faced with incredible courage and good humor. He was another member of the crew that was introduced to our song circle by Dave Housman. He could be counted on to contribute a blend of touching and humorous songs whenever he was in the area, which was pretty much anytime other than the winter months. Tom sang and played guitar and bass, always with a smile.