Domain Name Availability Checker
Micro Whois 1.1
You can use the following list of rules as a guide to help in choosing an appropriate extension for your domain name. Please note that this list does not include all possible extensions and that each registry may adopt additional rules from time to time. (Adapted from website)
.COM, .NET and .ORG Domain Names
- .COM - to be used for commercial and personal sites
- .NET - recommended for companies involved in Internet infrastructure
- .ORG - recommended for not-for-profit organizations
- Use only letters, numbers, or hyphen ("-")
- Cannot begin or end with a hyphen
- Must have less than 63* characters, not including .COM, .NET and .ORG
.INFO Domain Names
- .INFO - to be used for both commercial and personal sites
- Use only letters, numbers, or hyphen ("-")
- Cannot begin or end with a hyphen
- Must have at least 3 characters and less than 63 characters, not including .INFO