
Your initial phone or email consultation is free. If you decide to proceed with a website design, we'll set up an in-depth consultation to discuss the specifics of your site design in detail. If you choose not to proceed, we'll respect your decision and not pressure you in any way. It's your choice.

We'll gladly answer any questions you may have about the process, or our products and services at any time.

Website Design or Content Development

Time spent in telephone and email consultation will be charged at the normal hourly rate.

Our payment terms are C.O.D., unless other arrangements have been made in advance. The fee for your initial consultation will be payable at the time of the consultation, and will constitute a deposit for any resulting contract. Consultation fees are not refundable.

Written content can be provided in MS Word or plain text format. You can also send it to us in the body of an email.

Images should be high quality jpegs and of at least medium resolution (800-1000 pixels wide is usually adequate - the height is adjustable).

If you have printed marketing materials that you'd like to incorporate into your website, we can do the data entry for you, or scan the material and convert it to an appropriate file format (jpeg, pdf, etc.).


After Your Site is Launched

We'll troubleshoot your site once it's been uploaded, to make sure any links work properly and there are no glitches in the code. Once we've completed our inspection of the site, we'll consider the job completed for billing purposes, but you'll still be able to do your own inspection at your convenience. If you find any problems related to the initial design, we'll fix them at no charge. If you find changes you'd like made that modify the previously agreed to design, we'll be happy to make them, but you will be billed for the time.

We will make every reasonable effort to ensure your satisfaction. If there is a problem which we're responsible for, it will be fixed at no charge to you. If there's a problem for which responsibility is unclear, we'll accomodate reasonable requests. We want our clients to feel satisfied with our service, so they'll recommend us to their friends, and we'll make every reasonable effort to accomplish that goal.

Once the site has been inspected by us, we'll submit the site's URL to GoogleTM, YahooTM, LiveSearchTM, and DMOZ (a directory used by Mozilla and many other search engines) which will increase its visibility substantially. You can opt out of having your site submitted, if you choose, either temporarily or permanently.

If you'd like, we'll supply you with a CD of your site's files. Bear in mind however, that the files will be out-dated the first time your site is modified.

We'll be happy to help you keep your site current after it's gone "live". We can either add new content to your site for you, or train you to do it yourself (or a combination of the two). You'll be charged at our current hourly rate for any new work beyond the launching of the site.


Web Hosting Services

We are resellers of hosting service from a reputable, reliable provider. Our products are full-featured and offered at a very attractive rate. We don't charge a set-up fee, but we require prepayment of the first six months at a minimum, to cover the cost of setting up your account. Unless you request otherwise, we will bill you for the entire year. You can choose to move your site to another hosting service at any time, but pre-paid hosting fees are not refundable.

For technical assistance with most problems, you can call (413-667-3346) or email us. If you have a problem that requires immediate assistance, support is available from our provider around the clock, 365 days a year. Just call (800) 725-8064 toll-free.

Domain Names

We offer domain name registration service for the convenience of our clients, charging exactly what it costs us. Since we make no money on domain name registrations, any change in our cost will be passed on to our clients, occasionally with no notice. Of course, you're welcome to register your domain name through another service. If you already own a domain name, we're happy to provide you with any of our other services, and we'll help you transfer your domain name, if needed.
